Makers of the Pax vaporizers, Pax Labs, is listed on the Better Business Bureau website under the name Pax Labs, Inc. If you’ve had a chance to use the Pax 3, you might be expecting to see an A+ rating, but unfortunately for the well known vaporizer manufacturer, that’s just not the case. The company actually has a B rating, which isn’t bad – just not the A rating you may have expected. And while the four company reviews listed on the BBB’s website by no means represent the views of all who have done business or been in contact with the company, they do offer some insight, although limited, into how others perceive the company, its products, and customer service. Based on the four reviews, the company has a rating of 2.78 stars out of a total of 5 stars.

Pax Labs Rating On BBB Website
This is a screen capture of Pax Labs, Inc’s rating on the Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) website.

How could this less than stellar rating be interpreted? Well, one might be led to believe that just about everyone who has dealt with the company has had a less than pleasing experience, but we’d inclined to believe otherwise given our own experiences with the company. Offering a potential explanation for why the rating is lower than one might expect, we want to talk a little bit about the release of their vaporizers. Often times, as is the case with many vape manufacturers, a new vape hits the market with a limited supply available. Think of it as a test run of sort used to gauge product demand in the marketplace and to determine whether or not there are any issues with the product that require resolution prior to a mass manufacturing run. After all, who would want to produce a large quantity of vapes before they’ve worked out all the kinks? When you combine all of this with the fact that when the Pax hit shelves, both the original as well as versions 2 and 3, the demand was huge. The result? Pax Labs, which operated under the Ploom brand when it released its first Pax vaporizer, was almost certainly flooded with orders, calls, emails, and so on. Still, there are those who are quick to cast judgement when a company fails to meet their expectations and this seems to us to be the case with the company’s reviews on the BBB website.

Another reason why their rating might very well be lower than they deserve is due to the widely shared belief that people are more inclined to go through the effort to post a negative review when they are displeased than they are to post a positive review when they find themselves content with the service that they have received.

“As with other negative comments, PAX Labs, Inc. does not provide anything close to customer service.”

Looking at the reviews, one BBB verified reviewer posting under the name Howard J. G. said that the company “does not provide anything close to customer service.” Is this true? From our own personal experiences, we’d say no – absolutely not the case. The company does indeed provide customer service which we ourselves have used with great success. Take the original Pax for example. When we first received it, we liked it, but then the mouthpiece began to get sticky and eventually got stuck – leaving the vape itself basically unusable. So what did we do? We reached out to their customer service team to find a resolution and that’s exactly what we found. As it turned out, this came as a result of our failure to adequately clean the area around the mouthpiece where it connects to the vape. The answer? At the time, a lubricant. Later on, a new design implemented by the company with the intent of permanently resolving the issue with the mouthpiece getting stuck. Were we pleased with our experience? Yes. While not particularly fond of the idea of applying a lubricant to the vape, especially one that we would have to buy after the initial batch of free lubricants the company sent us ran out. However, the eventual resolution of the issue on the company’s end made us more than pleased as it was plain as day that the company was not only listening to their customers, but working hard to resolve all of their concerns.

Now while we might disagree with one user’s reviews at least in part, we can’t say that we disagree with all of the complaints about the company that we read on the BBB website. With that in mind, we’d just like to say that while Pax Labs has quickly established itself in the vaporizer scene as a serious player, the entire industry is still relatively new and companies like Pax Labs still have a lot of time to grow both in terms of sales as well as customer support. That said, we expect to see bigger and better things from this company as it continues to make headway into the vape market.

What do you think, is Pax Labs on the right track or have they failed their customers? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.